Sluggish Schizophrenia

I got (mis)diagnosed with Schizophrenia on 02.04.1997 and I’ve had 26 years of hell in the mental health system here in South Wales ever since. Initially the psychiatrist said it was ‘mild schizophrenia’ whatever that is. I have had over 1500 forced Clopixol injections and whatever else since that point and have spent several months of every year locked up

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The Nuremburg Code 1947

At the end of World War 2, after, in particular, the disaster of the Holocaust becoming apparent, many leading Nazis were hunted down and brought to trial to face justice for war crimes. One of the main international trials, indeed the biggest international trial to date, occurred at Nuremburg in November 1945 where leading figures from the Nazi Regime in

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Chemical Warfare On Humans

I’m a 14 year veteran of Psychiatric services in the UK having had 10 forced admissions and have had most of the drugs mentionned here (in article below) and indeed more. It’s an accurate article based on my own research and experiences. The trouble is, as a patient, there is no get-out clause at all. The worst form of human

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Mind Freedom International

Mind Freedom International is a non-profit human rights organisation working to change the mental health system. MFI is a non-violent activist group that advocates for truth, freedom, equality, and human rights in the mental health system! I thought it would be a good idea to mention this organisation.  In scouting about the web for organisations that could support psychiatry

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End Of Terror? Mission Statement

What is ‘End Of Terror’ about? Here is our mission statement… ‘The thing lacking in the monstrosity that is the modern psychiatry industry is the VOICE OF REASON. This blog-based website aims to publicly expose the wrongdoings and evil of an archaic system which spans the planet, holding no respect at all for human rights or medicine. Psychiatry makes many claims

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