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Racism in the NHS – Dr Anvita Swarnkar: Playing the Race Card

On 20th December 2019, right before Christmas and my birthday celebrations, I was walking early morning through my local housing estate. I’d just been dropped off in the car by a retired magistrate friend and my ex partner, Nicola. The estate was full of police. By the allotments at the bottom of my road several armed police held machine guns to my head and arrested me for an alleged possession of a knife. PC Mark Waters had stated that I was brandishing an 8 inch kitchen knife but this was a complete lie as any kitchen knife was safely at home in my kitchen drawer and I was totally unarmed. I spent 6 hours in custody in the back of a van, handcuffed and then transferred to Adferiad Ward, St. Cadoc’s Hospital, Caerleon. It was a blatant case of false arrest. What was most frustrating was that the 50 or so police officers who took me down released information to the public saying that they had discovered me naked with a machete, threatening schoolchildren at a local school. This was widely disseminated on social media and used in court by the hospital doctors and nurses. Complete lies but they’ll do anything to lock me up these days. I was placed under Section 3 of the Mental Health Act (6 months compulsory detention) and put into the care of Dr Anvita Swarnkar. Dr Swarnkar is of Indian origin. She is a slight, well-groomed woman, who is the chief of the psychiatrists at Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Trust. I have never met a more stubborn and damaging power freak of a woman or psychiatrist. She has made my life a complete living hell.

I was immediately placed on depot injections. A High Dose – about 450mg of Clopixol, an old style anti-psychotic medication manufactured by Lundbeck. I am allergic to this medication and have a long list of allergic reaction symptoms and this has been verified by neurology and gastro-enterology. The medication, which I am forced to take against my consent, makes me vomit (through hiatus hernia it induces) about 40-50 times daily. I have to defecate about 15 times a day, often shitting my pants. I have fits where my head shakes out of control and I have a permanent Parkinsonian tremor in my jaw and my right hand also shakes uncontrollably. I cannot read or write which is no good for my university course as the medication blocks my mind from functioning. I cannot retain any new information and I am slowed down visibly to look like a disabled person with a severe illness. Incidentally I have never suffered any symptoms of the schizophrenia which I was diagnosed with in 1997 at the age of 19. This medication is used to treat schizophrenia.

I spent 4 and a half months on the acute ward with also a few days on the PICU (Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit). I lost my court appeal for the first section 3. This appeal was a telephone hearing due to Covid and nobody has ever won a telephone hearing according to Perry Attwell, senior nurse at St. Cadcoc’s. After I left the hospital I was resectioned under section 3 instead of being discharged. They have done this in order to continue treating me against my consent with Clopixol in the community. Due to the vile claims about knife crime the courts have been lenient to the authorities and I got ripped apart by the judges at my next tribunal and sectioned for a further 6 months. I am now back at university and living at home in Caldicot yet Dr Swarnkar refuses to budge on the depot injections. She has me on 250mg every three weeks and I have to attend hospital to see her and to be injected.

Her meetings are where I draw the line. She has accused me on no fewer than about 7 occasions of being racist with zero justification. When the meeting starts going badly which it always does she just says you’re a racist. She has said that I hate all things foreign and that I cannot stand her because of the colour of her skin. I AM NOT A RACIST. My mother is a foreigner (from New Zealand) and all of my family live abroad. I study foreign languages (Translation BA) at Cardiff University and spend all week surrounded by foreigners immersed in their tongues. I work and have friends from all over the globe of all colours and creeds from many different countries and backgrounds. I am one of the most open-minded and globalised people that I know and certainly could not be so if I had an inkling of racism embedded in me. Dr Swarnkar is plain and simple playing the race card due to her being part of an ethnic minority. She cannot discuss my care properly or maturely due to her power trip and stubbornness so she resorts to what I regard as racist abuse by accusing me of being racist. I have complained to the GMC, to the Ombudsman and to Aneurin Bevan UHB Trust about this issue. Debra Hammett, Perry Attwell and senior complaints co-ordinator Sarah Cadman, sat in a meeting with me about this issue and agreed that Dr Swarnkar had to justify her comments to me or apologise. Dr Swarnkar has refused to acknowledge the authority of the complaints body and also Chief Executive Judith Paget. Swarnkar says that I can whinge on to as many politicians as I like as she will also be ignoring anything coming her way from John Griffiths MS and Jessica Morden MP (My political representatives) and also Vaughan Gething the Welsh Health Minister, with whom I have been in touch. She believes that she is an untouchable and can just continue to level racial abuse at me. The complaints body also found that the medication needed to be reviewed and reduced but again Swarnkar refuses to comply. I have begged for a change of psychiatrist as there is a minus zero negative therapeutic relationship. I just have one crazed middle age woman fighting a racial war and pointing the finger willy nilly at anyone regarding her feelings on racism. I take serious offence and she is damaging and undermining my mental health by treating me in this way. She says that on the End of Terror website and twitter I have not ceased attacking her and that I have been racist on here yet again these are false allegations. I implore any of her potential patients to take extreme caution around this woman as she is clearly unbalanced and dangerous.

Swarnkar is just about to slam a 12 month extension to the Section 3 detainment in November and has locked horns in an obsessive way with me and will not let me get on with life. For the near future things look bleak but I will not stand for false allegations of Racism, especially in today’s climate of Black Lives Matter etc.

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