Police Injuries from Illegal Arrest leading to 13 month Section 3 detainment at St Cadoc’s Hospital

I was illegally arrested by armed police officers in my hometown of Caldicot on 19.12.19. I will be elaborating on the events of this day on https://endofterror.org at a later date once I have full resolution of all the paperwork relating to that day. After 6 hours in transit on a journey that should only take 20 minutes, I eventually

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An Example of Gwent Police Invading Shuffle Towers (2) – My Home

This is an example of one of the many occasions in which Gwent Police during their two and a half decades of harassing me, have forced entry illegally into my home and place of work. On this occasion I was lucky enough to be able to capture them on video on my mobile phone – this is something that I

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Police Brutality and Mental Health – PART 3

I’ve written two articles already on policing and mental health. The impact of this particular episode still hasn’t quite sunk in. Bang out of order is obviously one of my judgements. Equally, writing this blog, just knowing firsthand exactly what the British police are capable of, means that my life is in potential danger as something equally as bad or

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Police Brutality and Mental Health – PART 1

I have no criminal record. But, I have been in the mental health system of the UK since 1997 – 18 years to date. Unfortunately the name ‘health’ in ‘mental health’ is a misnomer. The mental health system is nothing but a secret prison system where people can be easily silenced and removed from society without appropriate balances and checks

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